Southern CA Commercial HVAC Contractor Services
Nearby Southern CA Commercial HVAC Contractor Services, AC services, Commercial HVAC services contactor, RAM Air, can troubleshoot and service commercial HVAC systems HVAC including rooftop or box car AC systems, HVAC chillers and absorbers, HVAC thermostat controls, and cooling towers
TROUBLESHOOTING COMMERCIAL HVAC SYSTEMS: Ram has a great reputation in systems troubleshooting with seasoned commercial HVAC technicians both mechanical systems and controls.
COMMERCIAL HVAC EMERGENCY SERVICE: Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays – performed by expert commercial HVAC technicians, with special emergency response as you may require; normally within two (2) hours.
CENTRIFUGAL CHILLER – ABSORPTION CHILLER HVAC SERVICES: Annual, Semi-Annual minor and major services, oil sampling and Lithium Bromide sampling with laboratory analysis, and non-desctructive Eddy current tube testing.
THERMOSTAT HVAC CONTROLS: Commercial HVAC technical specialist to help with replace, repair, installation and maintenance of pneumatic, electric, and DDC controls including Johnson Controls large systems and Pelican Wireless Controls for package AC rooftop or boxcar systems.
ROOFTOP (AC Box car) PACKAGE AC UNIT (HVAC) SERVICES: These services, including emergency service and maintenance programs, tailored to meet your facility needs.
AIR HANDLERS, FANS, PUMPS, AND COOLING TOWERS: Annual, Semi-Annual and Quarterly services are available.
COMMERCIAL HVAC RETROFIT: Replace older, inefficient commercial HVAC systems with modern, energy efficient air conditioning equipment/systems, Package Units, Chillers, Air Handlers, Cooling Towers, and pumps.
COMMERCIAL HVAC Evaporitive Cooling Tower: evaportive cooling tower and closed circuit cooler service, repairs, or upgrades backed by cooling tower equipment manufacturers allowing us to service, repair, upgrade or replace most cooling towers including BAC, Evapco, Marley, Spectrum, Imeco, etc.
PROACTIVE PREDICTIVE COMMERCIAL HVAC MAINTENANCE PROGRAM: An extension of current preventative maintenance program to include budget analysis.
EQUIPMENT PARTS: All major brands of service parts are available for our customer needs which include Trane, Carrier, York, McQuay, Lennox, Payne, etc.
FACILITY SURVEYS: A complete survey of your existing systems which may include Chillers, Package HVAC Units, Air Handlers, Fans, Cooling Towers, Reciprocating Compressors, etc. to include a comprehensive report.
AIR FILTRATION: We carry the latest technology in commercial AC Air Filtration methods and material, to meet new and updated building clean air standards.