Commercial HVAC Contractor Installs Free Cooling System for the Huntington Beach Hilton
Regardless of the season, a critical aspect for any southern California hotel or commercial building is temperature control through heating and air conditioning. As a commercial HVAC contractor for more than 30 years, Ram Air recently completed a free cooling system installation at the Huntington Beach Hilton.
In the HVAC industry, a free cooling system refers to an approach to lowering the air temperature in a building by using naturally cool air instead of mechanical refrigeration. This is particularly effective in winter as it enables the hotel to shut off the chillers and use the cooling tower to regulate the air inside the hotel. As well, the free cooling system acts as a back-up for the hotel, if their chiller goes down.
In the end, not only is free cooling more environmentally friendly, it also benefits the bottom line in terms of energy cost. For the Huntington Beach Hilton, this particular free cooling system was paid within 12 months in energy savings alone!